Statically Defining Tabs on a Xamarin.Forms TabbedPage

In Xamarin.Forms screens are represented by Pages – a Page is a View Controller in iOS, an Activity in Android, and well.. a Page in Windows Phone.

One of the Page types that come with the Xamarin.Forms toolkit is TabbedPage which allows you to place tabs on the screen in a platform specific manner – so on the bottom bar in iOS, along the top in Android and as a pivot control in Windows Phone. The TabbedPage is a MultiPage<Page> so it is made up of a collection of Page objects, or subpages, which represent the content of the tabs.

There are a couple of ways of defining the child Pages (i.e., tabs) of a TabbedPage – you can set its ItemsSource which will give you a dynamic set of tabs based on a collection of items which you then define an ItemTemplate for, or you can simply set the tabs statically.

There are a couple good examples of how to accomplish the ItemsSource/binding approach both in the API documentation and in the TabbedPageDemo in the Xamarin.Forms Sample GitHub repo. The “static” approach isn’t specifically called out in the samples, but you can actually find an example of how to accomplish it in the MobileCRM sample.

I think it’s typically more common to set tabs on a mobile app up based on a couple of known items (which more than likely will have different content layouts) rather than a databound collection of items. So I thought I would specifically call out how this can be accomplished with a couple quick samples.


In C#:

Or, just add other Pages directly: